Achieving quick weight loss within a week can seem like an overwhelming task, but with the appropriate lifestyle and dietary modifications, it’s possible.
Rapid weight loss can act as a catalyst to jumpstart your weight loss journey and keep you motivated.
By incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can lose weight from the comfort of your home within a week.
1. Set A Realistic Goal
Yes, goals are necessary to motivate yourself to lose weight. But while setting goals, you must be realistic. Unrealistic goals can only be deterrents in your quest for weight loss
2. Set A Time
Reinvent yourself as a slow eater. Cherish the food you are eating. Set a timer for 20 minutes, and ensure you are spending each minute savoring the dish before you. Mindful eating and chewing well can help in losing weight. Hogging on your food can only lead to overeating, as your stomach doesn’t have the time to tell your brain that it is full.
3. Reduce Your Portions
It is always important to check what is there on your plate – quality as well as quantity. Portion control is not only a good practice to lose weight, but it also reduces excessive energy intake. Cut the portions in half and ensure you are choosing smaller portions.
A study conducted at The Pennsylvania State University shows the link between large portions and obesity. It also says that for weight management, you can eat larger portions of low-energy-dense foods.
4. Don’t Eat In Front Of The Television
Merging television time with your dining time can lead to mindless eating. You tend to focus on what is happening on the television screen and become unaware of what is going on inside your mouth and stomach. Ultimately, you end up overeating.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that watching television and snacking could have a negative impact on health status and increase energy intake. Eat at the dining table and concentrate on what you are eating.
5. Eat Cautiously
You must start eating before you feel too hungry and stop before you are full. This is because when we starve, we tend to eat more than we actually should. This is the reason people who starve themselves to lose weight only end up gaining more. Remember to eat slowly and not when you are starving. Also, remember to end your meal just before you are about to be satisfied.
6. Get Good Sleep
Your sleeping patterns have a lot to do with your weight. Lack of adequate sleep can eventually lead to weight gain.
A study showed that people who slept less than 5.5 hours tended to consume more carbohydrate-rich snacks than people who slept for 7 hours. Practice deep breathing exercises and get good sleep to regulate your hunger-satiety hormone.
7. Follow The 80/20 Rule
This rule is very interesting to follow to lose weight. This rule allows you to eat nutritious food 80% of the time, leaving 20% of the time to indulge in your favorite foods. This way, you can binge less and control yourself when you feel like binging.
8. Maintain A Positive Attitude
Maintain a positive outlook throughout, and always say to yourself that you are healthy and active. Most don’t understand, but what you do to yourself can have a dramatic impact on your mind, and ultimately, on your life. Reduce stress and learn not to take everything too seriously.