Nothing’s more frustrating than working hard to lose weight only to see the scale stop moving down — or worse, start to creep up again. That kind of discouragement can make it seem easier to just give up and accept the body you’re not happy with.
If you’re feeling this way, here are 12 quick, simple, tried-and-true advice for losing inches and pounds – for good – they will not only make you look good but also make you feel healthy and fabulous.
1. Choose whole or minimally-processed food.
Processed foods seem convenient, but you’ll pay a price measured in excess jiggle. Avoid added refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, and sodium by choosing ingredients that have few or no additives.
2. Mind your portions.
One of the most important tips for weight loss is to redefine serving sizes.
3. Plan meals in advance.
Planning nutritious meals reduces the temptation to order unhealthy takeout or prepare processed, boxed, or frozen meals. Set time aside weekly to plan which recipes and snacks you’ll eat during the week.
4. Boost fruit and veggie intake.
About one-half of every plate of food should contain fruits and vegetables, with the rest divided between grains and protein.
5. Don’t drink too many calories.
It’s easy to lose track of calorie intake when you’re drinking sweetened drinks, whether it’s lemonade mixed from powder or an energy drink from the convenience store. Choose plain or naturally-flavored water instead.
6. Cut back on refined carbs.
Refined carbs have been stripped of nutrients — but not calories. Avoid foods like pastries, white breads or rolls, and flour tortillas. Choose whole grain foods, which are rich in nutrients and waist-friendly fiber.
7. Commit to regular workouts.
You can’t ignore exercise if you’re looking for sure-fire weight loss tips. The key to shedding those pounds is to burn more calories than you consume.
8. Power up your metabolism with 4-minute workouts.
Tabata-style exercise routines keep your metabolism boosted hours after you’ve squeezed out that last drop of sweat.
9. Lift weights.
As we age, metabolic slowdown is a major weight gain culprit. We can battle that natural process by building muscle mass.
10. Set workout goals.
You know where you want to be weight-wise, so build a road map that helps get you there. Establish doable goals and slowly increase them over time. For example, plan to work yourself from a two-mile run to a four-mile run over several weeks.
11. Walk everywhere.
One of the simplest tips for weight loss is to engage muscles and burn extra calories by walking as much as possible throughout the day. Try parking your car on the far end of the office or grocery store parking lot.
12. Get the right amount of sleep.
Sleep—or lack thereof—affects hormones that regulate hunger.